Wednesday, December 15, 2010

FO: Very pretty thing

Pattern: Pretty Thing
Materials: Sandnes Garn Alpakka
Amount: Roughly 1.25 skeins (150 yards)
Needles: 3.0 mm
Finished Dimensions:

Started: 3.12.2009
Finished: 12.12.2009

I'm so way behind on my blogging. Last December (so nearly a year ago) I was going to a stitch 'n' bitch straight from work not having really planned it through ahead of time. Meaning I didn't have any knitting with me and just before leaving work started frantically perusing my Ravelry queue for something small and useful to knit and ended up with this. I think this might easily be the shortest amount of time I've ever taken to knit anything from start to finish.

The pattern is lovely, although it's loveliness sort of gets lost in the fuzziness of the alpaca. The pattern is also very logical and has a wonderful flow to it.

It's very likely I'll make another sometime in the future out of some other yarn.

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