Monday, August 4, 2008

Be still my fickle heart

Sometimes I swear I have the attention span of a gnat on drugs. I'm going through a bad case of startitis, resisting as much as I can, but not succeeding very well. Startitis manages to convince me over and over again that the projects that I have on the needles right now are not suited to be knit for what I'm doing. Like I'm going to a movie and feel the urge to knit during it, but my sock project is unsuitable for that. I blame Ravelry. :D All the wonderful ways that people have knit up yarn. All the glorious designers I had never heard about. All that YARN! It's enough to make a knitter lose herself.

And now... Now I found Sundara. Enough said.

FO Green Hemlock Ring Blanket

On the lines of everybody else is doing it:

Pattern: Hemlock ring lap blanket (Ravelry)
Source: Brooklyn Tweed
Materials: Novita 7 veljestä
Amount: 2 balls
Needles: 6.0 mm
Finished Dimensions: Forgot to measure

Started: July 2008
Finished: July 2008

I really loved knitting this. I got frustrated a few times, because I kept making the same mistake over and over again and I never figured out, where exactly I did it. All in all though, I finished this in 19 days, which is a pretty good accomplishment for me, seeing as this was my first actually completed lace project. I just couldn't put it down. Now that the weather's getting cold I hope my grandmother will be warmed by it.

The whole thing was fairly straightforward; learn the pattern once, repeat 8 times, knit 4 plain rows, learn the next pattern. I think I'm going to have to knit this again just because it was so much fun.