Friday, December 17, 2010

FO: Shedir

Pattern: Shedir (Ravelry)
Materials: Novita Luxus Alpaca
Amount: 1 skein (roughly 178 yards)
Needles: 3.5 mm

Started: 24.11.2009
Finished: 30.3.2010

The pattern is fussy, there's a whole lot going on and especially in the beginning it's very easy to lose your place. On the other hand the end result is stunning, there are so many repeats that you learn the pattern by heart and did I mention the end result is a whole lot of beautiful? And impressive. Whenever I whip this out as an example of my knitting, non-knitters are completely in awe and think I'm a knitting god.

The yarn is gorgeous and soft and smooshy as much as such a thin yarn can be.

Looking back, I should've knit the ribbing on smaller needles. That's a given for all hats but I learned it only after I finished the ribbing and that had seemed like such a neverending slog through darkness that I just couldn't.

I don't think I'll ever knit this again, but knowing all that I know now I would still do it the first time. Like I said, the end result is beautiful.

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