Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Looking Back

With the end of 2008 upon us, it's time to look back before looking forward. I really began knitting only last year so this year has been incredibly productive for me. As with all finns (including men) I first learned to knit at primary school, but as most do, I sort of forgot about it until recently. I blame the Domiknitrix.

I probably should explain such wanton accusation, so here goes. I've been sewing clothes for myself and others for ages and I love corsets. So I bought myself Corsets and Crinolines the definitive work for anyone interested in historical undergarments. So Amazon faithfully started listing other stuff I might like which included the Domiknitrix book. It looked fun, and frankly I hadn't even imagined knitting looking like fun. Seems like a shock now, I know, but I was young and naive. So it arrived and with the first look of the Bob Dobbs vest Tommi asked if I could make him one and so I did. Nothing's been the same since.

So the completed projects for 2008 have been blogged about so recently that I don't see a need to blog about them again yet. What's up for 2009? I found out about the NaKniSweMoDo (or Nationa Knit a Sweater Month Dodecathlon) for 2009 today. The basic idea is to knit 12 sweaters during the year 2009. That doesn't sound too bad. This is when the knitting fates attack and make it impossible for me to complete even the one. Although that's been happening loads lately, so too late! *muahhahaha* I also intend to knit the garter stitch afghan by Elizabeth Zimmerman by the next time cold weather rolls around again. Add some socks in the mix and we have ourselves a productive knitting year to look forward to.

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