Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Growing up

I'm a nerd. Just in case you didn't know. I'm the kind of person when looking at apartments or something always looks at the escape plan in case of zombie apocalypase. I find nature fascinating, but only from a distance. I LOVE computers and games and such. My hubby and I arrange and attend board game nights regularly. I used to LARP for chrissake.

This is relevant because that's also how I dress. Sometimes I seriously look like the Comic Book Guy and I'm not entirely happy about it. I'm almost 30 and honestly I've started to feel like that should mean I should start dressing like a grown up. You know, start wearing other things than jeans and t-shirts all the time.

So I've been reading up on style and how to get it. *LOL* Yeah yeah, 'cause it's just that easy. But even though this will sound conceited, I think I have good taste. I just don't use it. :D Everyone seems to agree that the five key elements of any stylish wardrobe are:

1. A suit, tailored and dark

2. Crisp white shirts

3. Pencil skirt although I'm not entirely convinced about this because in the aforementioned zombie apocalypse it would make me fodder immediately. You only have to run faster than the guy next to you and that's not happening in a pencil skirt. I'm letting it slide though due to the aesthetic aspects.

4. Well fitting, figure enhancing jeans.

And the pièce de résistance
5. LBD or Little Black Dress.

I plan to sew these pieces myself, mostly because I have a figure that defies fitting and flattering ready-to-wear garments.

"Problem" areas are at least as follows:
- weight: mostly at least in Finland anything bigger than size 14 (40 in Finland) is more closely related to moomoos than fitted garments.
- ass: I've got a protruding, JLo type ass. It looks nice, but it means that ready-to-wear garments won't close in the front or leave a huge gap in the waist band, that makes me look even fatter than I am.

After I've done these I'm planning on at least to trenches. One in a vibrant colour of bridal or duchess satin and a more regular, camel look.

Or that's the plan anyway. I'll try to post pictures along the way.


Karoliina said...

I've yet to find an LBD to fit me properly. However, I do have an awesome navy trench, that makes me feel very chic when I wear it.

Also, I'm not yet convinced that pencil skirts are for me, as I schlomp along with huge massive strides. I may not outrun the zombies, though ;)

Deb said...

That sounds like a very impressive list of grown up sewing - I look forward to seeing how you get on. One thought, maybe you could run faster from the zombies in a trouser suit?