Sunday, August 23, 2009

Disaster struck!

I haven't been knitting or writing for a long time since I managed to get RSI from bad ergonomy, doing overtime and knitting while playing World of Warcraft. Apparently wrists can't cope with all that damage at once for a long time. So I spent five terrifying weeks on sick leave basically doing nothing, because everything was painfull and I was scared shitless of having to get surgery or worse, becoming permanently disabled because of this. I have to say it was bad, worse than I've ever had. At first I was almost literally a prisoner in my own home because even opening locks was difficult due to the pain involved. Thankfully it's slowly getting better, although I'm still not knitting, just to be sure.

Because knitting hasn't been an option and surfing has definitely been out of the picture, I've been kind of bored. At first I just read. Everything and anything I could get my hands on. After a few weeks of that I got bored of that as well and started snapping at the better half. It seems that I get very snappish when I get bored. So I got my sewing stuff back from my mom and started working on a more stylish sewn wardrobe. Pics of the progress soon to come.

Something that's happened over the summer is us selling our gorgeus, tiny apartment and getting a bigger one, further away from the center of Helsinki. Which means I'll be getting a room all devoted to my arts and crafts stuff. I'm completely loving it, because that means, that I won't have to keep putting away and taking out my sewing stuff whenever I'm in the middle of a project.

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